What is this thing?

0 What is this thing? 0
This is just a place for projects to honorably get canned. Thrown out assets, projects that break which is unfixable... by me at least. Projects in which I have lost interest or drive. In many ways it is a sad place - but I'd rather see it as a really happy place, where things that would've never seen the light of day got to go outside anyway. Even though they are ugly - broken. Even though the creator has been mad at them for the most part.
However they know- they've got to know- they know that the creator is merely mad at himself, disappointed even. These small lively things are loved and they are all part of a journey.
Enjoy them! And take them for what they are.

torsdag den 19. december 2013

Proxemit Playable Updated

I updated the playable version of Proxemit. The build has all the fixes and suggestions from test session #1. Content-wise there is still a way to go.
I'd love to double the number of levels, add an enemy of some sort - a sentry maybe, which lies dormant until triggered. When triggered it'll chase the player down. A final upgrade will aid the player towards the end - or I'll settle with a fast reloading ******** which is already in the game, but not used as a weapon.
Another enemy (or the sentry) could also scan the surrounding area with a laser which hits the invisible walls. The beam rotates and therefore there'll always be a safe area where the player can move. If the laser hits the player the player dies and the level restarts.
The game is also in dire need of a proper ending.

Anyway grab it here:

~ ~ ~

tirsdag den 17. december 2013

Proxemit miraculously works

Proxemit - which I've destroyed some months ago, after applying changes and fixes from playtest #1, now works. Somehow it is impossible to recreate the fatal bug, so I'll calmly look the other way, and ignore my hunches about what and where it was. Fingers crossed that it'll stay on the other side of the river... Shouts* Laughs*

Anyway, let's talk about how I save progress in Proxemit!

I'm saving everything in small ini files. Hush hush. I know ~ you don't have to tell me, but please do if you absolutely must, I'd love to hear how to do it properly. 
So every orb you pick up, tells the game to open an ini file, then look up the orb by adding together the orbs x and y coordinates only to use it as a sort of unique ID. Every ID is stored under the levels individual ID, so some orbs might have the same specific ID, but combined with the level ID, no orb will share the same. 
An orb in level_1 placed at 400x, 500y, will then be easy to find by going through the ini (the ini read command does this automatically) to locate the section which is called [1] - for level_1. Then the game will check for an ID called 400500 and see if it is equal to 1. If it is 1 the orb will be deleted and a "dead orb" will be placed in it's spot. If it does not exist in the ini, the game will register it, for later use. When first registered the orb will get the value of 0. So it does exist in the database, but it has yet to be collected by the player. 

I do the same with exits. When an exit has been activated it's variable "open" will be set to 1. Then when a level ends by the player going to the next/previous, a special "level end" event will register in the Exits.ini if the exit is open or not. 

The reason I do it this way is to effectively make the objects register them selves, and leave me out of it. I love the fact that, with code, this is possible. Every object that needs registration has been programmed to do this. Gamemaker is a trooper when it comes to these kind of things, because it has the ability to check an ini, if it doesn'e exist, it creates it. The same goes for the "posts" inside an ini. It creates them if they do not exist.
~ ~ ~

torsdag den 12. december 2013

The failed remains of Proxemit

Proxemit ~ my game from early 2013, which I completely destroyed after the many fixes and applied suggestions from my good friend Martin Fasterholdt, who play-tested it a couple of months ago, should be fixable some way or another. I'm desperately trying to pick up the ashes and debug and debug_message my way out of the problem. A problem which I do not have any understanding of.
All I know is that it is some sort of infinite loop, but it is super hard to find, since GameMaker does not give me much to go on. However the few times that I've miraculously gotten info from GM it has been very helpful, but when I fix what I thought was the problem nothing changes. Proxemit remains unplayable ~

BUT - the now dated, yet playable older version is still available here ->

edit: It's a lie, it has been replaced with a newer and working version.
Download Proxemit.zip

If you play it, please get back to me - tell me what you think. Also keep in mind this is an early version, some features are not polished, and amount of content is at 50%. Yes in the end it will be a short experience. The reason for that is that the concept is pretty "hard" and might not be entertaining for a longer period of time, not without expanding it beyond it's original scope. Which of course is a possibility, but why not move on?

~ ~ ~

onsdag den 4. december 2013

It works! Finger That Shit is alive

I got it to work. The SDK and NDK and whatnots were somehow out of date. What I didn't realize was that in the SDK install manager alot of things was depending on things that was "missing".

Anyway now that I got the device testing in Game Maker to work, I got to test my awkwardly stupid touch game idea. The concept works almost as I expected, however my phone and therefore my testing device has severe lag on the touch inputs, which results in the "buttons" being moved around is half a second late. It's super annoying!

A couple of stages more, and then I'll be off to another idea, that I got on my way home from work today. - A racing/driving game ~ also made for touch devices.