What is this thing?

0 What is this thing? 0
This is just a place for projects to honorably get canned. Thrown out assets, projects that break which is unfixable... by me at least. Projects in which I have lost interest or drive. In many ways it is a sad place - but I'd rather see it as a really happy place, where things that would've never seen the light of day got to go outside anyway. Even though they are ugly - broken. Even though the creator has been mad at them for the most part.
However they know- they've got to know- they know that the creator is merely mad at himself, disappointed even. These small lively things are loved and they are all part of a journey.
Enjoy them! And take them for what they are.

mandag den 10. oktober 2022

PROXEMIT updated.

PROXEMIT is now updated and available at itch.io.
The new version works on large displays by sub sampling pixels. 

Go for the UHD version. Does not require install! 


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